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An Osteopath's feedback: 

Miranda Clayton trials the belloost Pillow


 Our latest blog features positive feedback from an Osteopath who has been trialling Belloost within her practice.

Miranda Clayton is a Registered Osteopath with 20 years experience in treating babies, children and in pregnancy. In addition to her private practice in central London, she lectures extensively in Paediatric, Obstetric & Cranial Osteopathy on a number of B.Sc. & M.Sc. Osteopathy courses, and runs post graduate training courses with her company ‘Mum&Baby CPD’. More recently she has produced a range of training videos on various aspects of early life manual treatment.

We were delighted to have the opportunity to ask Miranda about her experience using the Belloost Pregnancy Pillow:

What are yourfavourite featuresof Belloost?

It is clearly a quality item and everyone in our workshop thought it looked gorgeous, and was also good value. The stuff it’s made out of is exactly the right firmness to be comfortable, whilst also being supportive enough to perform high velocity thrusts without loosing the force into the pillow. It looks well made enough to last for years and years without loosing its integrity. It's very stable on the couch, whilst also being easily portable to take from room to room. Useful in our clinic where it is being shared by Osteopaths and all the massage therapists.

What techniques has Belloost helped you to perform more easily?

Prone sacral toggle/recoil techniques – can be performed sidelying on pregnant women but much easier prone. For some pregnant women, who are naturally front sleepers, they really appreciated soft tissue releases / myo-fascial techniques prone – in fact I just left one very heavily pregnant woman to lie in the Belloost for 20 minutes and she loved it!

As an osteopath, does Belloost increase the range of techniques you can use on pregnant women?

Very few Osteopathic techniques can only be done prone, but it certainly makes it easier having prone position available. Treating in the prone position is usually very comfortable for practitioners themselves, and we do have to consider our own bodies when we treat.

What conditions have patients been coming in with and how has Belloost helped you to treat them?

Pelvic girdle syndrome, sacro-iliac joint dysfunction, 12th rib techniques, thoraco-lumbar fascial releases. Of course Osteopaths treat all these things, sidelying, seated, standing or on all fours, but it clearly opens up ones treatment options.

Do you think it would be a useful tool to use Belloost when teaching your courses?

It was lovely to have it in the class for students / Osteopaths to lie in and have a play with. One of the Osteopaths in the class said she already owned a Bellost and found it particularly useful for prone soft tissue techniques through both thoracics and lumbars. Osteopaths who like to treat prone were very taken with it – those that rarely do prone techniques were variable in their opinions.

Is there anyone you would or wouldn't recommend Belloost to?

No I think it’s suitable for everyone and of particular interest to pregnancy massage practitioners.

If you had to rate it out of 5 stars what would you give?


For more information about Belloost and our pregnancy pillows or head rests, get in touch with us today! Contact us online and a member of the team will be more than happy to answer any questions. 

Written by:

Belloost Team